Canby Disposal Residential Recycling Services
Canby Disposal proudly provides recycling collection for in the Canby, Oregon area. We employ over 200 employees and operate a fleet of 50 trucks to serve the diversified needs of our customers.
Request Residential Recycling

Check the recycling service availability in your area and get a clear pricing structure.

Sign up for the most suitable recycling plan and set up your account swiftly and securely.

Start your journey towards a greener lifestyle with our recycling program.
Recycling Tips to Get Started
All recyclable items go in the same container except for glass recycling, whether you have a commercial dumpster at your business or a recycling cart at home. Keep it simple, don’t over think it! Start by recycling the easy stuff cardboard, paper, and junk mail. To recycle plastic food and beverage containers, make sure to give it a quick rinse, remove all lids, tops, & caps (place lids/tops/caps in trash). Any glass jars, wine bottles, liquor bottles must be placed in a separate bin for glass recycling. Please remove all lids, corks, tops, & caps to place in trash. Metal recycling includes aluminum and tin cans, empty aerosol cans (remove cap & place in trash, leave nozzle in place), and scrap metal no larger than 30” and weighing 30lbs or less.No Styrofoam, waxed cardboard, or food contaminated products can be recycled – please bag and place these items in trash. Check out our app above that gives answers on how to dispose of many other items!

More Residential Services
Canby Disposal offers convenient pickup times and reliable service